Let's Get to Work!

Over the past year, the viral and racial pandemics have provided our country an opportunity to view race and culture through a new lens. One that has revealed to a new generation and reminded our’s that race still matters.  

During this information reconstruction, we must continue to lay the foundation for economic prosperity for all Americans.  We must begin by providing equitable and inclusive opportunities in STEM college and career pathways for marginalized and underserved communities.  We can all enjoy the economic mobility, guaranteed to us constitutionally, by supporting substantive and accessible educational opportunities for all students. 

Let’s create new opportunities in STEM college and career pathways.   

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Donate To Support Equity And Inclusion In STEM

As America’s children struggle to gain ground academically, the social and mental toll of a global pandemic, racial unrest, and an absence of leadership has dramatically impacted their chances of a prosperous future.  We must provide an academic and social framework that ensures the next generation will realize an equitable and inclusive society for all to enjoy the wealth and prosperity of this nation. The “Lost Year” in educational achievement is highlighted with the National Assessment of Education Progress (NAEP) being postponed, according to EducationWeek. The decrease in student attendance, complemented with safety concerns resulting from COVID-19 were cited as concerns. 

STEM Enrichment Experience

STEM Enrichment Experience (SEE) increases K-12 student interest and academic performance in STEM courses and activities year-round; in and out of school.

STEM Scholar Virtual Learning Community

This community provides undergraduate STEM majors the necessary academic support and career exploration needed to persist and complete a STEM degree.

SEE Medical Pathways Scholarship

SEE Medical Pathways Scholarship provides eligible students pursuing a health professions/medical degree a full tuition and book scholarship to the University of Alabama at Birmingham.

STEM College Bridge

STEM College Bridge Program provides high school seniors and recent high school graduates with the necessary academic support and advisement to launch their college journeys in STEM.

STEM Updates

Why Black People Should Vote

In the Black community, there is a lot of back and forth on the significance of voting in American society.

Dr. Briggs Appointed to the Alabama STEM Council

Governor Kay Ivey announced that she has signed Executive Order NO. 721 establishing the Alabama STEM Council. The council will advise state leadership on ways to improve STEM-related education, career awareness, and workforce development opportunities across the state.

Complete College America Hosts "Equity and Inclusion," Virtual Conference

Complete College America hosted a virtual conference focused on “building equity through structure,” to better support student college and career goals.